Prayer Points: May 2016


On May 9, our Ethiopian Team welcomed 21 new street kids into the Drop-In Center for the welcome ceremony to the Drop-In Center Program. This is very exciting! The team focused on boys this season under 12 years old who had been on the streets for less than one year and were from the Southern areas of Ethiopia - like most of our staff/team. Please pray for these boys and the Ethiopian Team as they minister to them. Pray that the all the layers for each child unfold in a timely manner and the Holy Spirit moves. Pray for trust and understanding to develop. We are excited to see how this group grows throughout the program and process.

Our founder and current Field Director, Joe Bridges and family are traveling to the United States this month for a period of training, meeting, and refreshing. Please pray for safe travels, easy transitions for the children, quality time with family and friends, and productive ministry opportunities. The last year in Ethiopia has been one filled with many obstacles for the Bridges. We are so thankful for God's faithfulness and provision along the way! We are confident that if the enemy has worked so hard to make life difficult at times, God must surely be on the move! Pray that this beautiful family is recharged in the specific ways they need during their time in the United States. . . that they will be perfectly primed for their return to Ethiopia with divine strength to continue to fight for the street children of Ethiopia and share the Gospel!

Registration is open through June 18th for our advocacy and fundraising event, the 3rd Annual Virtual RUN YOUR STREET 5K. As a virtual run, you can run anywhere, anytime, and involve anyone around the world in the fun! Run or walk with the street children of Ethiopia in spirit by completing a 5K (3.1 miles) at your own pace, on your own street, anytime between June 18-25.

Vital ministry dollars are raised through this event and it provides an awesome opportunity to spread the word regarding the street children of Ethiopia and The Forsaken Children's role as an organization. Pray that our participant goal of 300 is reached.

Most importantly, pray for the street children this event raises funds and awareness for - pray that they might know Jesus and experience LASTING HOPE through Him and be restored to family and school.

Registration and more detailed information can be found at

Team Ethiopia: In Closing


Today was the LAST day in Ethiopia. It was bittersweet with tears and laughter. We headed to Entoto – up the mountain – to do the Street Race associated with the “Run Your Street 5K” with the kids.


We were a little bit ahead of schedule to meet the kids, so we stopped part way up the mountain and took pictures. There was a pedestal there that we all climbed up on and pretended to be Super Man flying through the city! We also prayed over the city with hands held high as we asked God to bless the city and to bring the people of the city to Him and specifically to protect and comfort the street children.


We saw the local women climbing down the mountain with huge loads of sticks/wood on their backs. I don’t know how they do that. It looks like the wood weighs about 3 times as much as them or more. And they walk ALL THE WAY down the mountain to deliver it. Along with the women were also donkeys carrying loads of leaves, hay and sticks. It really is quite surreal to see the delivering of goods in this way but so amazing that they are able to complete those tasks and then climb back up the mountain and do it all again.


When we got to the football (soccer) field, we had to wait for the kids for a little while. They went to an Ethiopian Orthodox Church Museum to tour around while we set up the games. While waiting, we played volleyball with the local kids there. They really had a great time and so did we! But we couldn’t wait to see our kids and play with them for one last day.


When the kids arrived on the buses, they ran off the bus and ran up and hugged each one of us super tight! It was wonderful! We set up the race for the kids around the football (soccer) field and then the kids played a football game also. Then we played a “staff against the kids” game in which we were attempting to beat the rain more than anything else. The kids won!!




Field Director, Joe Bridges (with his son on his back) & Cathy Burk

End of race awards

It was kind of a crazy good bye to the kids. Some of us didn’t quite realize that we were saying goodbye and missed the chance to hug the kids we connected with most one last time. It’s always a sad feeling to leave the kids unsure of when we will see them again.


When we got home, we had a wonderful surprise from the staff waiting for us!! They did a closing coffee ceremony complete with cake, worship in Amharic and gifts. Kanu thanked us each for being a part of their ministry for the week, Alex accompanied the worship song with his guitar, and Taye gave an incredible message on Hebrews 12:1-4. It was a great reminder that the race is not complete and when we fix our eyes on Jesus even as we struggle against sin, He is always with us. Tare also thanked us for doing our part and for continuing to come back each year and bringing our best to the kids and the staff. It was a beautiful, sad celebration as it was time to say goodbye to these wonderful, dedicated, God-fearing people who serve the street kids and at-risk kids on the streets of Ethiopia each and every day.


As we headed to the airport, we were met with no wrinkles in our plans. We made it in plenty of time, got checked in, went through security and then boarded the plane as we all sat reflecting on the week we had just encountered. No matter how many times each of us has gone – first, 4th or 8th – we all took away something new and different from this week.


We all made it back to the states without any issues with flights or luggage, so praise the Lord for that!!


Thank you all so much for your prayers all week, we definitely felt them!

team picture overlooking the city


Cathy and Team Ethiopia

Team Ethiopia: Day 9 (Friday)


Thank you for prayers. The team is feeling better and healthy!  This day was all about the staff of The Forsaken Children/Onesimus. We headed out to Sodere, which is about 2 hours east of Addis Ababa. Three other missionaries - Bria, Jody and Hannah from the US joined us. Karyn Bridges also joined us and we chatted in the van about how God has impacted them in Ethiopia. The staff went in two other vans and on the way they changed into their orange Tennessee shirts and were singing and dancing with excitement whenever we passed. Staff retreat – the staff all wore their Tennessee shirts to represent where our team came from!

We first gathered in a circle and sang a traditional Ethiopian song. We then played fútbol (soccer) at the resort. Many of the staff were amazing players!  We had a women’s match first and then a men’s match. A fun time was had by all! We also went swimming in a giant pool, divided by a shallow end (where most stayed since many Ethiopians can’t swim) and a super deep end. It is hard for me to believe that these guys can be so good at fútbol but not even know how to tread water. I assisted Esayas and Mesfin and others in swimming lessons but it proved difficult. I also assisted some boys who weren’t even with us but wanted to be shown how to swim, too.

Dan holding his own with the Habasha (Ethiopians)

Forengie GOOOOOOAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! (Esayas was rooting for us!)


While we were singing and playing, a barrage of monkeys came out of the woodwork and we all loved seeing them up close and feeding them and getting a lot of pictures.

Bradley playing with the monkeys

After lunch, we presented Certificates of Appreciation to each of the members of the staff. Liz opened us up in a devotional, giving thanks and encouragement to each of the staff members to continue to do the good, Godly work for these precious kids in Ethiopia. Each certificate included someone from the Bible with similar characteristics of that person. For example, Kanu was presented with characteristics similar to Nehemiah because of his leadership and attention to details. Alex was recognized as Paul, Tare recognized as Aaron.

staff members appreciating their certifcates.

During the presentation ceremony, even the wait staff was very attentive and we feel, hearing the devotional and presentations hopefully gave them a good image of what being a Christian is. Each member of the Onesimus staff was very appreciative and some were moved to tears. Tare could not stop thanking us and gave a heartfelt word of gratitude at conclusion.


Some highlights from today from the team:


Liz – Seeing the joy on the faces of the staff when they were presented with the Certificates of Appreciation.


Sylvia – Worshipping with the Onesimus team in Amharic.


Bradley - Got to feed and play with monkeys.


Cathy - I am just so overwhelmed today by the fact that I am here. Not having been on the initial team this year, I have had doubts if I should have come or was needed, but today I was just so happy to be here and there were no doubts that this is where God had me this week.


Kelly - After 8 trips, I finally got suckered into playing fútbol soccer and I learned what ‘striker’ means because that was my position. I have officially been inducted into the ‘Forengie’ Fútbol Hall of Fame.  (Forengie means Foreigner)


We’re all looking forward to seeing the kids again tomorrow but it will be bittersweet, as we will also have to say farewell. They have left a lasting mark on my heart and I’ll continue to pray for these sweet kids.



Dan and Team Ethiopia


PS Don’t forget to comment. We have one more day of reading the comments to one another at breakfast!

Team Ethiopia: Day 8

Blog Day 8 (Thursday)  

Bradley here! Today was fantastic! I woke up extra early this morning to prepare for my lesson I taught today. I went upstairs to the top floor, set my papers down, and glanced out the window. When I looked out, I saw the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen.

IMG_4686 (1)

After gazing at God’s artwork and gathering my lessons, the team had a great breakfast with fresh mangos (so good). After breakfast we got ready to go to the drop-in center. As we were driving, we listened to “How Great is Our God” and “Holy Spirit”. The songs really encouraged us, and gave us lots of energy. Once we got there, we did our normal routine: worship, lesson, activities, and lunch. The drop-in center was extra special because it was our last day there.

Kids singing  "Mighty to Save"


Worship and teaching time for the last time with the kids

Dan’s highlight was the chance to squeeze in a session to teach some of the boys his signature wrestling move, the outside cradle and sticking up for a little girl to get her seat back after some boys took it.


Thankfully, most of the kids at the drop-in center will be with us on Saturday, so we didn’t have to say our goodbyes today. After the programs, we drove to this wholesale gift shop to shop for souvenirs (I got a drum and a vase). We then went to dinner and let Sylvia rest because she was not feeling good.   After dinner, we started our debriefing session. I particularly love debriefing.  I love getting to share our emotions and see what the other team members learned from the day. After debriefing, the power suddenly decided to go out. I am actually writing this blog hoping that we will get power so I can post it! No worries though.  Before I go, I want to tell you all about how awesome God is and how He loves and cares for us. For the past few days, I have been very sick, which made it very hard to appreciate and enjoy what was happening all around me and made me feel like I was letting the kids and my team down. Last night, the team all laid their hands on me, praying that I would be healed.  When I woke up today, God just decided that every second I had today was going to be blessed by Him. Except for my throat, my body felt incredible! I wasn’t tired, I didn’t feel sore, and I had a much better attitude.  God also blessed me with a beautiful sunrise and sunny weather, which He knows I love. He also blessed me by speaking through me and giving me peace while I gave my lesson, which just happened to be on praise today! And last but not least, he gave me not one, but TWO Cokes today. I’m so happy about today, and I felt like this was worth sharing. We have our staff retreat tomorrow, so it should be a great day! Love and miss y’all!

Bradley and Team Ethiopia


PS Don’t forget to comment!! We read them every morning (assuming we have power!!) Prayer request from Cathy and the team: please continue to pray for the health of the team. Bradley is still very under the weather (although has a great attitude!), Sylvia is not feeling great (the rest seemed to help her tonight) and a couple of others mentioned sore throats or just feeling “off” today. We have two VERY full days ahead of us that will require a lot of energy, so we need miraculous healing from our Great Physician. Thank you!!

Team Ethiopia: Day 7 (Wednesday)


Four days and twenty hours ago, we arrived in Addis Ababa with much anticipation and excitement, looking forward to what God was going to do. You have read about some of what the Lord has done up to this point and today was no exception. God has been so gracious to us and has blessed us beyond our wildest expectation. As usual, we began the day with our daily devotional. Our devotionals are based on Jeremiah 29:11-13; and today we focused on God’s gift of hope to us.  

We then had breakfast, which consisted of fruits (bananas & mangoes), French toast, scrambled eggs and tea & coffee; no porridge, praise the Lord. We invited the Interim Director, Tare Cherkos, to have breakfast with us but he declined because he had already had breakfast. He told us that he had a pastor who said he should have breakfast because “if the chicken eats a lot in the morning, no one can pick him up.” The meaning of this Ethiopian Proverb is: “The chicken will be heavy and cannot be easily picked up so it won’t be dinner for anyone.”


Michelle Honnen, thank you for remembering the  3rd Floor at Paradise Restaurant. I think it is our only unofficial initiation ritual for all the newbies and this year was no exception. They were blown away by how many flights of stairs it took to get to the 3rd Floor. And to our other prolific blog readers, thank you. Please do not stop commenting on the blog. It is part of the highlight of our day. We appreciate the feedback very much. Thanks again.


Our Lesson this morning was on the 7th Rule – Envision God’s Enveloping Presence. Cathy Burk brought the message and knocked it out of the park! She gave the invitation at the end and three kids raised their hands. We were all SO excited. I think I speak for all when I say we were overwhelmed by the response. The excitement turned out to be short-lived though. We learned pretty quickly that the children who raised their hands had already accepted Christ and were in a discipleship program. Please pray for souls to be saved – while we’re here, or after. It is God who saves, not us, so we continue to plant seeds and water seeds while we’re here in Ethiopia.

Cathy using an umbrella to demonstrate the enveloping presence of God.

Today was another picture-perfect day, weather-wise and otherwise. We went for a walk and visited the new offices of the ministry and then we went to a bakery where we bought a couple different types of breads and some cookies for the children from the Half-Way Home for whom we threw a Pizza Party at the Guesthouse. We had a wonderful time with the children at the party. We played various games and we had an unofficial Hula Hoop Contest and Cathy Burk made us look really bad.


Playing with the kids from the half way home before the pizza party

pizza party with the kids

Liz Hula Hooping!!


It’s official – two of our teammates have officially been given new names and those are the names both the children and the staff calls them… Dan is now Donny and Sylvia is now Sophia.


Below are some comments from each member of the team:


Meme Alleman: ”It has been a blessing this week to hear over and over how much the Onesimus staff looks forward to the team from Central Church coming. Both staff and kids alike have told us how much they love what we have prepared and how they are so thankful that we don’t just present our program, we stay and play with them, eat with them, do special things with them. We lavish Jesus on them and they know it.”


Cathy Burk: “Speaking was a stretch for me, but I really felt like the Lord guided every step of the way. The kids were very attentive and seemed to follow how Jesus fits into the story of the Exodus of the Israelites.”


Sylvia Rigney: “Tonight at the Pizza Party some of the girls were writing on clothes pins and hanging them on their shirts. I asked Bezahyu what hers said. She said, ‘I love Jesus. Jesus is Lord.’”


Bradley Thomas: “I appreciate the team laying hands on me and praying for me to feel better.”


Kelly Dawson: “All the staff and children have been so amazing and encouraging. They talk about how much they look forward to the Central Team coming each year because we do such an amazing job and we love on them so much.”


Dan Nishimura: “I instructed the group of older boys in making an Origami crane in the colors of the Ethiopian flag. It was challenging but some really excelled at it.”


Joyce Small: “During our letter writing time, (love letters to God) the children’s letters touched me. There was one in particular that spoke volumes to me. See picture below.”


Much love to all,

Liz Roberts and Team Ethiopia

The children made "God's eyes" for the craft today.


Team Ethiopia: Day 5 (Monday)

Team Ethiopia: Day 5 (Monday)

First day with the kids is finally here! The team battled distractions in the morning but made it to the drop-in center to spend a great first day there. Months of hard work and preparation finally came to life and the kids, team and staff were all thrilled to see each other. God really worked in the various stations of the Vacation Bible School and kids were given the opportunity to accept Christ.

Team Ethiopia: Days 1-3 (Travel/Arrival)

Team Ethiopia: Days 1-3 (Travel/Arrival)

We had quite an adventurous trek out here, so thanks to those of you who prayed for an adventure! Lots of flight drama, God’s presence was very real and He is always in control, Jesus was preached and our bags came at the same time we did! We saw the Bridges, had amazing coffee, watched a Christian concert performed by our translator Biruk and ate at a Texas themed restaurant called Rodeo!

Team Ethiopia 2015: Central Church

Team Ethiopia 2015: Central Church

On Thursday June 18, a team of eight from Central Church left Memphis for Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa to work with the children TFC serves. They will work side by side with the Ethiopian team TFC partners with and work to share Lasting Hope with street children and those at-risk. Each day the team will "check in" and send a report from their day. We look forward to sharing those updates here.

Changing Seasons and an Unchanging God


By Britainy Sholl,U.S. Director of The Forsaken Children The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created spring. - Bernard Williams

I love this time of year.  Everything is in bloom, the sun shines brightly and every sunset looks like a painting.  I often wish the weather would stay just like this.  But we all know that summer comes, and then winter.  While I love Christmas time, I truly miss the beauty that spring brings.  That’s the time I begin to once again look forward to March and April.  And this cycle continues,  the beauty of spring and the grey of winter.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

We live in an ever-changing world.  What can we know for certain?  The Bible answers this question for us in Isaiah 40:8.  The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.

The homeless children in Ethiopia are always on my mind.  Their lives are unstable and their futures are uncertain.  Like the changing seasons, these kids tend to go through ups and downs.  But thankfully, they can know that the promises of God stand forever.  His word is always true and never changes.  While everything else in this world may fall apart, God doesn’t.

Beneficiary 13

When the kids walk through the doors of our TFC Drop-In center each day, this is the message that they are given over and over again, God’s love endures forever.  They receive meals, showers, clean clothes, tutoring, counseling, and care- but the most important thing we can offer, is the love of Christ.

Nothing else is certain and no one else can change our hearts like Jesus.  While the beauty of spring is on display now, we know this season will end.  But I’m glad my future is in the hands of my Lord and Savior.  That’s something I can count on.  And, that is what the kids in Ethiopia are counting on.  This is why TFC exists.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever. Isaiah 40:8