When you GIVE,
you are changing a child’s life forever!
Poverty is at war for the lives and futures of Ethiopian children.
We know what it’s like to see a giant need and not know what to do to help.
“Will my actions matter? Will it really make a difference? This is overwhelming!”
Do something and you will share in the story of RESCUING, RESTORING and REBUILDING the lives of precious children.
The holistic, purposeful and targeted work by Our partners on the ground in Ethiopia offer the best hope for true change for Ethiopia’s vulnerable. We have spent years on the ground vetting and supporting the best tools and people that offer the best hope for lasting hope for children in Ethiopia. And you can be confident as We evaluate the impact of every dollar that goes toward these efforts.
Our partners on the ground are THE BEST hope for true change. We vet them, support them, and evaluate the impact of every dollar through their efforts. We have paved the way - YOU are the fuel that allows this powerful engine of change to run.
when you give, YOu are providing life-changing interventions for these children.
Other ways to give and multiply impact….
SHOP AT AmazonSmile
Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to The Forsaken Children at no additional cost to you.
At no additional cost and without affecting your gas points, you can set your community rewards to benefit The Forsaken Children. Register online and be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy. Once your Kroger Plus card is registered online, enter NPO number (51621) or the name, The Forsaken Children, and click confirm. Do not forget to re-enroll your rewards for us each year!