the plan
Children in Ethiopia need help. You care about this -but how can you make a difference?
TFC is an advocate for these children.
We understand the landscape and complex issues surrounding child homelessness & deep poverty.
tfc partners with the best teams doing the best work on the ground for children in ethiopia
Our partners on are the best hope for true change for children living on the edge in Ethiopia.
We vet them, support them, and evaluate the impact of every dollar through their efforts.
Meet our partners on the ground…
Make Your Mark
Children living on the streets need a safe PLACE. Our friends at Make Your Mark are working hard to help kids come out of street life. They run two centers for boys, and one that just opened (May 2021) for girls. Here, the children can bathe, wash their clothes, eat healthy and regular meals, receive any needed medical attention, biblical teaching, basic education, games and counseling with play therapy and trauma work. They take a holistic approach in ministering to children and helping them toward a new and abundant life. For children coming out from the trauma of life on the streets in Addis Ababa, successful family reintegration is vital to their continued growth and development. Family restoration is the eventual goal for these children as healing and growth takes place over time.
Partnering with WRAPS, another Ethiopian NGO, we help provide washable, reusable sanitary pads and supplies for girls, as well as unique physical education about their developing bodies. Staying in school can be a particular challenge for girls as they reach adolescence. With a lack of basic hygienic supplies and instruction in rural Ethiopia, the development of a menstrual cycle can keep young ladies out of school for up to a week every month, often causing them to drop out all together. Education is a key ingredient to success throughout life, and remaining in school deters many children from ever leaving their homes for life on the streets. This simple help - washable, reusable sanitary pads are a game changer for these sweet girls, helping RESTORE them to school.
(to protect the safety and dignity of those in this program, we don’t publish faces)
Arise Global
We are excited to announce our newest partner, Arise Global - reaching young women working (many trafficked) in the sex trade in Ethiopia. Focusing on girls ages 16-24 (who are among the least reached in this type of rescue work) the team strives to break the cycle that sees young women exploited through commercial sex work. Through a 3-6 month program, the team works with a cohort of girls who want to come out of the industry, providing tools, job training and resources needed to live a free and full life with gainful and dignified employment.
Heroes like YOU make this work possible!
Making an eternal difference in a child’s life is easy
POWERFUL things happen when God’s people pray! Your prayers are needed for this great task to RESCUE, RESTORE and REBUILD young lives in Ethiopia!
Get connected and join the conversation! Tell your friends and family about what is happening in Ethiopia, share the stories of life-change and victory. You can find us on social media to stay updated with all our news.
Many people, giving what they can will make a HUGE difference. When you give, children have the tools to be victorious over the power of poverty!