There are many ways you can help
make a difference in the lives of children at-risk in ethiopia.
Your donation will help keep our mission going. We need funds to support these children, reconnect them back with their families, and invest in their education.
Spread the Word
Tell your friends and family about what is happening in Ethiopia. Get connected and join the conversation. You can find us on social media to stay updated with all our news.
SHOP AT AmazonSmile
Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to The Forsaken Children at no additional cost to you.
At no additional cost and without affecting your gas points, you can set your community rewards to benefit The Forsaken Children. Register online and be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy. Once your Kroger Plus card is registered online, enter NPO number (51621) or the name, The Forsaken Children, and click confirm. Do not forget to re-enroll your rewards for us each year!
We are always looking for volunteers to help our fundraising efforts and spread the word. If you are interested in getting involved and would like more information, send us an email!
Prayer is powerful. Please continue to pray for our mission and the street children of Ethiopia. You can sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and hear our specific prayer needs.
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How your gift is put into action:
Provides for a Drop-in Center, where children living on the streets can come and wash, get clean water, food, and grow relationships with safe adults interested in the care of their bodies & souls.
Enables our team to restore street children back to their families & back to school, providing family support and counseling, school fees, uniforms, and tutoring.
Supports halfway homes that provide safe, healthy family systems for those unable to be reunited with relatives.