Team Ethiopia: A Journey There


The following is an update from Team Ethiopia, a small group from Central Church in Memphis, TN, who will be serving as short-term missionaries at Onesimus Children Development Association in June 2011. We’ve invited our dear friends and ministry partners to post their trip updates and prayer requests here on the TFC blog. Enjoy…


We just arrived in Charlotte about an hour ago! We are all very excited and looking forward to the next leg of our trip! Next stop is DC and then on to Frankfurt! We've all had a snack and we introduced Kelly to his first Jamba Juice smoothie! If you ever get the chance to try one, Morgan and I feel that they are life changing! Please pray that our travel will continue to go smoothly. We are all enjoying getting to know each other and we are bonding as a team!

- 5:47 pm by Nicci Feathers (Team Photographer / Reporter)


Team Ethiopia Social Network Chat

  • Morgan's Facebook Post: Waiting in the D.C. Airport headed to Frankfort, Germany and then to our long awaited destination Addis Ababa, Ethiopia! We have had a great time as a team and can't wait to see how God uses us all! Thank you for all the prayers and support! Ethiopia and Onesimus here we come!
  • Nicci's Facebook Post: Just landed in DC! Next up: Frankfurt, Germany! Praying we make it! God is good. All the time.
  • Kelly D's Facebook Post: In DC. Flight to Germany has been delayed. Need to leave in the next hour or so.
  • Bree Starnes Facebook Post: Waiting on the plane in Charlotte then to Washington DC then Germany and finally Ethiopia!! With the crew: Morgan Jane Frey, Kelly, Kelly, Nicci, Michelle, Liz ( mother), & Britainy :)
  • Morgan's Facebook Post: Faith sees the invisible, Believes the incredible, and receives the impossible!

As of 9:30pm Central Time, Team Ethiopia is in Washington DC and the weather is currently delaying their flight. Please pray that the team does not miss their connection in Frankfurt, Germany. Pray for safe travels, flights getting out sooner than later, and everything running smoothly when they land in Germany.

Update (10:30pm Central Time), flight out of Washington DC is scheduled to head out at 11:30pm Central Time. Thankfully Kelly McGugan has gotten information that the planned flight out of Frankfurt, Germany actually has more than one flight going out throughout the day to Addis Ababa. Please continue to pray for safety and that the team makes one of those connecting flights to make it to Ethiopia without further delay!

Update (11:52pm Central Time), the team has now boarded their flight in DC and is ready to go. Next stop Frankfurt, Germany! Please pray for the team as their current travel clock is going on almost 12 hours - they arrived at the airport in Memphis today at 12:30pm Central Time - with many more hours to go!

Update from Frankfort, Germany (12:55 pm Central Time-Friday) - The team is safe in Germany, however they have missed their connecting flight due to the delays in DC. Text message received from Team Ethiopia. It reads:

"Staying in Frankfurt tonight. Will arrive same time tomorrow night in Addis Ababa. Tell Nega (Onesimus Director) and Joe (The Forsaken Children Director). Will email later at hotel. - Kelly (Team Leader)"

The team has currently traveled for over 24 hours now. PLEASE PRAY for rest tonight for each team member and smooth travels tomorrow.

Team Ethiopia Social Network Chat 2: Germany Style

  • Bree’s Facebook Post: So a surprise night in Frankfurt, Germany!! Hahah we had a great time today bonding and laughing!! Love our team! But ready to love on the kids in Ethiopia :) please keep praying and thanks for all the other prayers! They are greatly appreciated!
  • Morgan's Facebook Post: Guten Tag, greetings from Germany! We have had a little change of plans, but are loving that we get to stay a night in Frankfurt! Our plane got delayed so we missed our connecting flight to Addis, so we will get there late tomorrow night! Great things can come out of a bad situation! Thanks for your prayers! :)
  • Nicci Feather's Facebook Post: had an impromptu stay in Frankfurt, Germany! It's been a long 30 hours but God is, of course, right in our midst! We should arrive in Addis tomorrow night around 9 pm! Please continue praying for us!

Update (8:05 pm Central Time): The team is currently sleeping in Frankfurt, Germany (3:05 am there) at a hotel. The schedule for tomorrow, Saturday is breakfast at 8 am (1 am Central Time), team devotions, leave the hotel at 10:30 am (3:30 am Central Time), flight out of Frankfurt at 1 pm (6 am Central Time) and arrival in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at 9 pm-ish (12 o'clock noon Central Time). Please pray the flights go according to plan this go around! The team is excited and ready to land on African soil.

Team Reporter, Nicci Feathers plans to send a blog post in the morning about their travel adventures. Stay tuned.